Welcome to the Downtown Hamilton BIA

Business Improvement Areas are local entities that exist to support and enhance a geographically defined area. The Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement area is located in the heart of Hamilton within the area bounded by MacNab, Rebecca, Mary and Hunter Streets.

Downtown Hamilton BIA Boundaries Map

What does a BIA do?

Our Mission – The Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement Area provides value to our members through advocacy, beautification, promotion, development and preservation of Downtown Hamilton.

Our Vision – A Vital and Prosperous Downtown that is the focal point of Hamilton.

As stated in our vision, the ultimate goal of the BIA is to ensure that downtown Hamilton is a vital and prosperous area in which local businesses are able to thrive. We achieve this through initiatives in the following areas:

  • Beautification
  • Revitalization and Maintenance
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Special Events
  • Advocacy

Through these actions, we aim to foster a downtown Hamilton that is open to, and enjoyed by all.

You can find a more detailed explanation of BIAs and their mandates in Ontario’s Business Improvement Area Handbook

Our Board of Management (2022-2026)

Evan Apostol, Markland Property Management Inc.

Francis Zanetti, Core Urban


Andrew Mantecon, FirstOntario Credit Union

Jason Morse, Morse & Associates

Cameron Kroetsch, City of Hamilton


Stefanie Bonazza, Alectra Utilities

Una Gibbons, YMCA Employment Services

Lisa LaRocca, Sonic Unyon

Mark Wu, 2gen.net

Michelle Blanchard, Community Member

Ryan P. Moran, CoMotion Group Inc

The Board of Management meets the fourth Tuesday of every month (except July and August) at 9:00 a.m.

Board of Management Meeting Minutes and Agendas



The Downtown Update is the e-newsletter sent by the Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement Area to keep both members of the BIA and interested supporters of Downtown up-to-date with activities and issues in the core of our community.