Vereschagin & Brown LLP

25 Main St. W., Suite 920, Hamilton, ON, L8P 1H1

Vesna Tattoo Studio

111 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 1A9

Vienneau, Moi, Barrister & Sol

1 Hunter St. E., Ground Floor, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3W1

Vincereo Capital Mgmt.

47 James St. S., Hamilton, ON, L8P 2Y6

Vinci Park Services Inc. c/o Yale Properties

100 King St. W, Hamilton, ON, L8P 1A2

Vine and Partners LLP

1 Hunter St. E. , Suite 100, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3W1

Vine Valuations Inc.

1 Hunter St. E., Suite 100, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3W1

Vinos Haidary, BBA RCIC

15 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario, L8R 1H1

Vitulli Law Group

69 Hughson St. N., Hamilton, ON, L8R 1G5

Walker, Randall E.

20 Hughson St. S., Suite 710, Hamilton, ON, L8P 1H1

Walkling, David-Barrister & Solicitor

25 Main Street West, Suite 515, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 1H1

Walter Fedy

20 Hughson St. S., 10th Floor, Hamilton, ON, L8N 2A1



The Downtown Update is the e-newsletter sent by the Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement Area to keep both members of the BIA and interested supporters of Downtown up-to-date with activities and issues in the core of our community.