Part 6
PATH Employment Services
It goes without saying that COVID-19 has affected how all of our downtown businesses continue their services. For non-profit organizations, adapting to restrictions meant not only ensuring staff could work safely and efficiently, but also that clients are still able to access important services. While much of 2020 may have seemed to come to a pause, for several non-profits their work never paused – in fact in most cases it likely increased. So how are organizations that typically helped individuals face to face adjusting? This week we take a look at PATH Employment Services.
Since 1972, PATH Employment Services, a non-profit organization in downtown Hamilton, has been helping people find sustainable work. PATH specializes in helping individuals with any type of disability make the transition to new jobs and stay in them. They also develop individual relationships with employers to assist them in finding the perfect candidates to hire. There is no charge for any of the valuable services they provide.
Seeing as PATH specializes in helping people enhance their workplace skills and find gainful employment, many of these services were of course traditionally provided in person before COVID-19’s onset. The economic fallout of the pandemic has meant job loss for many and with looking for work being a daunting task during the best of times, during a pandemic it might seem impossible. PATH has made sure they are still available to help job seekers. Although staff are not physically working in their downtown office (located at 31 King St. E) they are providing full services virtually. One on one support is provided via telephone, email, Zoom, text, and virtual chat to assist clients in multiple ways including resumes, cover letters, interviews, connecting with employers, accommodation support, career decision making, and disability disclosure.
Business partner support has also gone virtual in response to COVID-19, providing virtual space and support to hold job fairs and interviews, access to post job openings on PATH’s job board, and support once job order is filled to ensure placement success. Businesses interested in working with PATH to help fill positions can sign up and receive support here. Businesses that work with PATH to find employees can benefit from Employment Coordinators who are trained to pre-screen knowledgeable, skilled, and qualified individuals for job placements.
For people with a disability, finding and keeping work is no different than for people without a disability. However, there may be some additional things to consider like if, when, and how to disclose, and what adjustments or accommodations you may need. PATH can help you with planning out what, when, how, and to whom you should disclose your disability. At a time when job uncertainty and career changes are a reality for many, organizations like PATH are vital resources. To learn more about PATH visit them online here or give them a call at 905 528 6611.
If you require any service provided by non-profits downtown and are not sure if they are still available always reach out and ask – you may be surprised by all the work that is still being done.