Checking in with Downtown

Part 17: Downtown Service Updates | September 18, 2024

We understand that at any time within the city there are plenty of things pulling your attention in multiple directions, which means that some important details or developments may get lost in the shuffle. This week alone there have been some important developments introduced within Hamilton, so continue reading for some more information on the recent service updates.

Core Patrol and RPAS

Beginning on September 16, there will be an expansion to the already existing Hamilton Police core patrol. The preexisting core patrol team consisted of two officers but this number has now been expanded to six officers, with three teams and increased coverage throughout the day and night. The coverage will run from Monday to Saturday, seven am to midnight throughout the week, with a focus on the area of Wellington to Bay and Cannon to Hunter streets. As part of the core patrol, officers will engage with individuals and businesses, address crime and disorder, and improve community safety and well-being.

In addition to the core patrol expansion, the Hamilton Police will initiate a trial of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), which will allow them to enhance their ability to dispatch and respond to calls for service within the downtown core.  There will be no recording unless a criminal offence is committed where evidence is required.

You can find more information about these two initiatives here.

RZone Respectful Environments Policy

As of September 16, the City of Hamilton has implemented the RZone Respectful Environments policy with a zero-tolerance approach to violence, abuse and other inappropriate behaviour at all City facilities and properties. This policy sets up expectations for individuals and others, revolving around the three tenets of Respect for yourself, Respect for others and Responsibility for your actions. The policy applies to all individuals and organizations using City of Hamilton facilities and/or interacting with City employees. Under this policy all forms of violence, vandalism and inappropriate behaviour are deemed unacceptable on all City facilities, including but not limited to aggressive or intimidating approaches to another individual, verbal assault, threats, attempts to goad or incite anger in others, throwing of articles deliberately or aggressively, physical striking of another individual, theft of property, possession of weapons, illegal consumption of alcohol or drugs, contravention of Municipal by-laws, policies, or procedures and vandalism. All incidents under the policy should be reported within 24 hours. If a member of the public is involved or witnesses a situation within a City facility, they can report it to a City employee who will then help complete an incident report. Additionally, an online report can be made if individuals do not complete an in-person report with a City of Hamilton employee.

You can find more information about the newly implemented RZone policy here.


These service updates are designed to make the downtown core a more inviting and welcoming place for pedestrians and businesses alike.

If you are a Downtown Hamilton BIA member business and would like to be featured in a blog post, please email Emily Gilruth at



The Downtown Update is the e-newsletter sent by the Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement Area to keep both members of the BIA and interested supporters of Downtown up-to-date with activities and issues in the core of our community.