The Downtown Hamilton BIA is happy to announce that we are offering the Outdoor Dining Grant again this year!
The program was created to assist Downtown Hamilton BIA restaurants with the cost of an outdoor dining area through PopUp Street Patios. The grant program is administered by the Downtown Hamilton BIA. The total funding allocated for the program in 2023 is $20,000. The grant is for $1,000.00 which will be paid directly to PopUp Street Patios. Each Downtown Hamilton BIA member must submit their request for funding by Sunday, April 30 2023. A fillable PDF can be accessed here.
2023 Temporary Outdoor Patio Program applications are now open. You can find the updated program information here.
If you have any questions or concerns about the grant programs or applying for any outdoor dining areas, please email info@downtownhamilton.org.
Looking forward to what we hope to be a busy summer!