Checking in with Downtown

Part 3 Showing Downtown Some Love With Valentine’s Day under two weeks …

Checking in with Downtown

Part 2 Beating the Winter Blues January is a notoriously tough month …

Checking in with Downtown

Part 1 At Home for January It has started to feel like …

Constant State of Flux – How Downtown Businesses are Adapting to Doing Business During a Pandemic

Part 29 Mablellie’s Drawer Mablellie’s Drawer, found at 17 John Street North, …

Holiday Shopping in Downtown Hamilton

This year, boost your Christmas spirit and the local economy by supporting …

Constant State of Flux – How Downtown Businesses are Adapting to Doing Business During a Pandemic

Part 28 Live Events Return to Gore Park with Christmas Tree of …

Free Sweaters for Hamilton Day!

90 years ago, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce hosted Hamilton Day and …

Constant State of Flux – How Downtown Businesses are Adapting to Doing Business During a Pandemic

Part 26 New Restaurants on James This far along into living with …

Constant State of Flux – How Downtown Businesses are Adapting to Doing Business During a Pandemic

Part 25 Finding The Right Business Space in Downtown Hamilton There is …

AGM 2021

Join us for our virtual 2021 Annual General Meeting November 9th – …

Constant State of Flux – How Downtown Businesses are Adapting to Doing Business During a Pandemic

Part 24 Getting Around Downtown With the change of seasons and the …

Free Downtown Hamilton Walking Tours

The Fine Print Potential risks may include, but are not limited to, …

Constant State of Flux – How Downtown Businesses are Adapting to Doing Business During a Pandemic

Part 23 The Return of Nightlife Since the onset of COVID-19 and …

Constant State of Flux – How Downtown Businesses are Adapting to Doing Business During a Pandemic

Part 22 The Rise (Literally) of Downtown Hamilton If you have had …

Month of Giveaways

Available Giftcards Winners choose any assortment of $50 worth of gift cards, …



The Downtown Update is the e-newsletter sent by the Downtown Hamilton Business Improvement Area to keep both members of the BIA and interested supporters of Downtown up-to-date with activities and issues in the core of our community.